
Research interests:

I am interested in the intersection of quantum information and condensed matter physics. In particular, today's quantum devices are in the middle ground of having good readout and the ability to prepare relatively large quantum systems, but with limited overall control. As a result, condensed matter systems are a natural object of study for current devices, since they are naturally-occuring quantum systems that can be realizes with current tools of quantum control. Advantages that quantum devices have over conventional condensed matter systems include more advanced readout capabilities and the ability to experimentally realize and study many-body time evolution (aka "non-equilibrium dynamics").

A major branch of non-equilibrium dynamics is quantum chaos: the study of how perturbations ("information") are spread in the exponentially large Hilbert space of many-body quantum systems, in particular over space and time. A ubiquitous yet poorly understood phenomenon, quantum chaos has connections to how systems reach thermal equilibrium and how information can(not) be recovered in natural quantum systems.

Recent work [arXiv:2205.12211] with my advisor Soonwon Choi and collaborators studies a useful application of quantum chaos: the estimation of the fidelity between an experimental state and an ideal one. We discover a new universal behavior in quantum dynamics - in a type of observable that is unique to modern quantum devices - and use such universal properties for a protocol for fidelity estimation that applies to any quantum device, as recently demonstrated in a Rydberg atom array [Nature 613, 468–473 (2023)] (press article) and a superconducting qubit device [Science 379, 6629, 278-283 (2023)].

Most recently, we have proposed a protocol [Phys. Rev X 13, 011049] that uses such chaotic dynamics to realize a version of a protocol to estimate arbitrary observables in a quantum state known as classical shadow tomography. This enables such protocols to be applied in most analog quantum devices, which we believe will prove to be a versatile tool for characterize interesting quantum states in analog simulators.

Before coming to MIT, I studied quantum many-body scars with Prof. Olexei (Lesik) Motrunich at Caltech. We developed a common framework [Phys. Rev. B 101, 195131] to explain a collection of results in the literature. Using this framework, we identified perturbations of the paradigmatic Hubbard model that feature exact many-body scar states [Phys. Rev. B 102, 075132].

In broader strokes, I am interested in non-equilibrium dynamics and in tools for characterizing and manipulating quantum states, with an eye towards applications in near-term quantum devices.